Gajaananam Mantra

At the beginning of any class, lecture, or even personal Sadhana (spiritual practice), we chant the Dhyana Slokas. This helps to tune the mind to the divine in its different aspects. It makes us feel like instruments, and helps to remove the tamasic-rajasic ego. Divine guidance is necessary for any Sadhana to be successful.

The Dhyana Slokas follow nearly the same sequence as the Daily Chants (Jaya Ganesha, etc.). First we invoke Ganesha to remove all obstacles. We then ask Subhramanya to give us strength and destroy all negative forces, internal and external. Next is Saraswati. We pray to Her to give us Divine Knowledge. We then ask the teacher (Guru) to guide us always. Finally, we invoke the Divine Mother Durga, Narayani to bring auspiciousness for all our undertakings.

Gajaananam bhoota ganaadi sévitam
Kapitthaa jamboo phala saara bhakshitam
Umaa sutam shoka vinaasha kaaranam
Namaami vighnéshvara paada pankajam

I prostrate myself before the lotus feet of Vighn?shvara (Lord Ganésha), the son of Uma, the cause of destruction of sorrow, who is served by the host of Bhoota-Ganaas (angels), who has the face of an elephant and who partakes of the essence of Kapitthaa and Jamboo fruits.

Shadaananam kumkuma rakta varanam
Mahaamatim divya mayoora vaahanam
Rudrasya soonam surasainya naatham
Guham sadaaham sharanam prapadyé

I always take refuge in Guha of six-faces (Subhramanya), who is a deep red color like Kumkuma, who possesses great knowledge, who has the divine peacock to ride on, who is the son of Rudraa (Lord Shiva), and who is the leader of the army of the Dévaas (gods and angels).

Yaa kundéndu tushaara haara dhavalaa
Yaa shubhra vastraavritaa
Yaa veenaa vara danda mandita karaa
Yaa shvéta padmaasanaa
Yaa brahmaachuta shankarah prabhritibheer
Devaisadaa poojitaa
Saa maam paatoo sarasvati bhagvati
Nishyéshya jaadyaapahaa

May the Goddess Sarasvati, who wears a white garland like the Kundaa flower, the moon and the snow, who is adorned with pure white clothes, whose hands are ornamented with the Veenaa (classical stringed-instrument) and the gesture of blessings, who is seated on a white lotus, who is always worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and other Gods, and who is the remover of all inertness and laziness, protect me.

Om namashivaaya guravé
Sach-chidaanand moortayé
Nishpra-panchaaya shaantaaya
Shri Shivaanandaaya té namah
Shri Vishu-devaanandaaya té namah

Salutations to Guru Siva (Sivananda) who is the embodiment of Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute, in whom worldliness does not exist, who is ever-peaceful. Salutations to Swami Shivananda. Salutations to Swami Visnu-devananda.

Om sarva mangala maangalyé
Shivé sarvaartha saadhiké
Sharanyé trayambaké gauri
Naaraayani namostu té, Naaraayani namostu té

I salute the Divine Mother, who is addressed as Naaraayani (the spouse of Naaraayanaa), Sharanyé (the spouse of the protector Shiva), Trayambaké (the spouse of the Three-eyed Lord Shiva) and Gauri, who brings auspiciousness and who fulfills all the desires of the devotee.

Om sahanaa vavatoo, sahanau bhoonaktoo
Saha veeryam karavaavahai
Téjasvinaa Vadheetamastoo
Maa vidhvishaa-vahai

Om. May That protect us both, teacher and disciple. May That cause both to enjoy (the Bliss of Liberation). May we both exert (to find out the true meaning of the Scriptures). May our learning be brilliant. May we never hate each other.

Om shaanti shaanti shaanti-hee

Om, Peace, Peace, Peace.

Disclaimer: The above has been derived from material provided during the teacher training course by the Sivananda Center.