The Five Major Principles of Yoga

Yoga is a way of life. Yoga is a science, not a religion, of uniting the mind, body and soul. It is also an art of living the right way. The techniques of Yoga are very practical, so they can always be applied. This is the reason why Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and is still valid today. This practical science can be broken down into five major principles.

1 Proper Exercise (Asanas)

Proper exercise is necessary to keep the body healthy, strong and flexible. The physical exercises or postures in Yoga are called asanas. Asanas are gentle stretches that help in lubricating the joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other parts of the body. They also help to improve circulation, release tension in the body, increase flexibility and tone the nervous system. Asanas are meant to be performed in a slow, relaxed and methodical manner. In addition to developing the physical body, the mind is also impacted in a positive way. Most people find it difficult to calm the mind. We start with asanas to help start the process of calming the mind and to create a good foundation for the next steps.

2 Proper Breathing (Pranayama)

Due to our modern lifestyles most of us forget how to breathe. At best, our breathing becomes very shallow. All the cells and tissues in our bodies thrive on oxygen. Without an adequate supply of oxygen, our cells and tissues become weak, leading to diseases. Deep breathing provides an abundance of oxygen, which keeps the cells and tissues healthy. Upon exhalation, we expell impurities from our bodies. Lack of  exhaling deeply does not remove enough impurities from our bodies. Shallow breathing then does not supply enough oxygen and does not expell enough impurities. The result is a toxic system, which is a perfect environment for diseases to form. With proper breathing techniques (pranayama) we can teach the body to breathe again. Pranayama not only purifies the system, but it also helps to connect the body to the solar plexus area where a tremendous potential energy is stored. This vital energy or prana is then released, rejuvenating the body and mind. The benefits of pranayama greatly outweigh those of asanas, so it is important to incorporate pranayama in one's regular practice.

3 Proper Relaxation (Savasana)

In these times we are measured by how much we can achieve and in the least amount of time. This causes us to be in constant motion. This constant motion then causes our bodies and minds to be overworked and stressed. Proper relaxation is yet another important factor we must incorporate into our regular practice in order to allow the body and mind to recharge and rejuvenate. Rest and relaxation helps to calm the whole system. When we are in this state it is sometimes difficult to calm the system and even sleeping becomes difficult and doesn't help. Yogic relaxation techniques or savasana helps to calm the system by retraining the mind and body to relax.

4 Proper Diet and Nutrition

What we eat has a subtle impact on our health and wellbeing. For a number of reasons, a plant-based diet is optimal for good health. It enables the body to maximize the benefit from food, air, water as well as sunlight. It is also easy to digest and promotes good health. A Yogic diet is simple, natural and wholesome. Since the food we eat has a subtle impact, a Yogic diet helps to achieve better health as well as a sharp, yet calm mind.

5 Positive Thinking and Meditation

Our mind is what drives our body. A calm and steady mind is required to keep our bodies in optimal condition. Positive thinking helps to purify the mind and experience inner peace. When we shift our focus from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, it changes our perception of the world around us. We start to see things in a more positive light and negative situations stop affecting us in a strong way. Along with positive thinking, incorporating a regular meditation practice helps to keep the mind clear and focused.

All of the above is what Yoga is all about. It is not just about some poses. The idea is to have optimal physical and mental health, which then helps us to navigate life in a more graceful manner.